Season 8 of Growing Hope was a great success!
We gathered on September 18 in northwest Boone County to celebrate this year’s harvest. Many thanks to the farmers, businesses and the Boone County Farm Bureau for their hard work and giving hearts.

**Photo courtesy of Tractor Time with Tim

**Photo courtesy of Tractor Time with Tim
Covid caused a change of plans, but the generous farmers of Growing Hope did not give up! Through their creativity and adaptability, they were able to continue with a revised version of this program. Their persistence blessed our neighbors tremendously. We cannot thank them enough for their faithfulness to God and to Love INC!
Spring is almost here! The Growing Hope committee is meeting to plan this year’s crop. Please pray for volunteers and sponsors to come forward, that the weather would be ideal, and that the farmers remain safe during this season!
Check this page frequently for updates and information!
Following a season of uncertainty and bad weather, God blessed us with a bountiful harvest! Many thanks to the Growing Hope committee, the Boone County Farm Bureau, and the many farmers and businesses for their generosity of time, resources, and talents!

Enjoy the video and some pics of the 5th Annual Harvest —
September 22, 2018!

Click HERE to read about Growing Hope in the Indiana Agrinews!

July 18, 2017
It was a beautiful morning as Pastor Andrew Bowen led those gathered at the Growing Hope field in prayer, using Psalm 67 as a guide. What a wonderful reminder that all we have, and all we do, should be dedicated to the God who is faithful and who will bless those who seek to honor Him. “May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you. Then the land will yield its harvest, and our God, our God will bless us. God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear him.” Psalm 67:5-7NIV
The two middle pictures illustrate that God will use even a simple telephone pole to remind us of His presence and His blessings!

Despite the wet spring, the beans are progressing well! Here are a few pics:
Drive by the field to watch the progress of this year’s crop!